
A place where I collect the random thoughts that pop up in my system.

Boox Device

May 30, 2024
Collecting notes on the Boox

Streams and the Buffet

Jul 08, 2023
When inbox zero does not cut it

Putting the Human Back in AI

May 18, 2023
How I improve ChatGPT results by going in a second time

Creating a VIP zone in Hugo

May 11, 2023
How to update Hugo sites with webhooks

Logseq Project Management

May 08, 2023
How I am using Logseq to do basic project management

How I use macros in Logseq for Jira / Azure Devops

May 05, 2023
Generate quick links using Logseq Macro's, making it easy tolink to tickets and other frequent URLs

Using Logseq, Otter.AI and ChatGPT to Write blog post

Apr 09, 2023
My experience with making the AI overlords work for us

Journal-Based Note taking

Apr 02, 2023
Why Journal-Based Note-Taking with Logseq is My Go-To Productivity Tool

Goodbye Lastpass

Dec 25, 2022
Why I had to switch password managers after a decade